Hello there

My name is Logan Majstorovic. I studied Japanese at INALCO from 2015 to 2018 and Sound Design for video games and linear media at ISART Digital school in Paris from 2019 to 2022. I have continued to study Japanese throughout these years.

I work mainly on video games but I can help with any types of media. My current aim is to find opportunities in the field of video game localization.

Sound, music and games have shaped my world since I was a little kid. The same goes with my passion for Japan and its beautiful language, as it was its melody that prompted me to learn it in the first place.

Softwares I use include various CAT tools, Reaper, Wwise, Fmod, Unity and Unreal Engine.

Sound Design Showreel

Keep in touch


I would be happy to participate in your projects !
Please contact me at :
